Makulinski Family Foundation Impact on Partners In Education (PIE)

One of the philanthropic causes nearest and dearest to our hearts is education. That’s why the Makulinski Family Foundation has continued to work with Partners In Education of Toledo every year since 2015.

Partners In Education Classroom

Partners in Education (PIE) of Toledo was founded by the Rotary Club of Toledo in 1994 and has proudly served the community’s students for over twenty years. The nonprofit organization offers holistic programming and fosters community involvement in Toledo’s K-12 public schools.

The PIE mission is rooted in the importance of partnership, volunteerism, mentorship, and academic support — all of which schools rely on to help students thrive. Though PIE has offered countless programs to the community of Toledo, there are two programs that we’re incredibly passionate about supporting.

Supporting Partners in Education Programming 

Afterschool Alliance Program

The Afterschool Alliance of NW Ohio helps ensure that afterschool and summer learning programs support students outside of the classroom. We know that teachers and educators work hard to meet the needs of students during school hours. However, students don’t stop needing expert academic and emotional support just because the school day ends — and that’s where the Afterschool Alliance Program comes in.

Research-based studies suggest time and time again that high-quality afterschool programs result in better outcomes for students. These outcomes include higher self-esteem, more opportunities for exercise and healthy nutrition, and better decision-making.

The extra time spent with highly qualified mentors helps students understand the importance of taking fewer adverse risks and spending more time engaged in learning. Students involved in high-quality afterschool activities also display more positive behavior in the classroom and learn to connect with others more broadly.

By helping schools provide programming outside of regular school hours, the AAP helps students make smarter choices and avoid risky behaviors to maintain academic progress. All programs are fun, safe, academically stimulating spaces where students can flourish and be themselves.

College and Career Ready, Set, Go!

Another highly impactful program with measurable outcomes on student performance is PIE’s College and Career Ready, Set Go! The program engages middle school students in grades 5-8 to provide exposure to various careers, colleges, and businesses available to them in the community.

Students love CCRSG because it gives them a glimpse into life beyond school. Programmers take students on field trips to local colleges and businesses to interact with successful people in the community. Students also enjoy career mentor speakers in trades that include everything from finance to music. In addition, the whole family gets involved through family nights and presentations that cover topics such as how to fund a student’s college education through scholarships, grants, and loans.

The program also offers a character development and social-emotional health component of the curriculum — key to preparing students to become successful adults. The curriculum focuses on developing core character traits such as resilience, willpower, grit, and self-assurance.

The Impact of Funding Since 2015

Since 2015, the MFF has contributed $155,000 in funding to Partners In Education programming. MFF proudly continues to fund PIE programs because of the incredible impact these programs have on the community. Programs like the Afterschool Alliance Program and College and Career Ready, Set, Go foster community engagement that increases support for more than 23,000 of Toledo’s students and families.

Of course, none of these programs would be possible without community partnerships from businesses and individuals, and that’s why we’re proud to partner with PIE.

In 2021, Partners In Education launched a campaign to raise $150,000 in capital support to ensure programming can continue to serve students for years to come. The impact of Covid-19 continues to stunt academic performance and social-emotional development, so it’s more important than ever to ensure students have access to extracurricular programming.

If you’re interested in helping us support PIE’s campaign, you can contribute here.

- Article by Amanda Kern (May 2022)