Makulinski Family Foundation's View on Common Types of Philanthropy
Types of Philanthropy: | Description: | Example: | Issue: |
Legacy | Your name is showcased | School, hospital building in your name. | Self-interest |
Feel Good | Emotionally react to situation | Fund soup kitchen patrons | You didn't help soup kitchen patrons exist independently, in reality you might have prolonged their dependence. |
Black Hole | End of year gifting to no particular cause | Popular charities i.e. Salvation Army, Red Cross, United Way | Passive, sometimes self-interest tax avoidance |
M.A.D. | Make a difference | Determine mission of charity, if you agree, work with the charity to improve their outcomes. Base your funding on their success. | You made a difference. Congratulations! |
Note: No philanthropy is bad, some are just better than others. M.A.D. is definitely the most time consuming but it is also the most beneficial.
Would you like to partner with the Makulinski Family Foundation (MFF)?
View the MFF Preferences below and fill out a Grant Request Form.
Issue: | Discussion: | Comment: |
Value | Since it is difficult to determine the value produced by a charity, MFF determines the recipient(s) investment in time, material or treasure as a barometer of its produced value. | MFF provides matching value to the recipient(s) investment. |
Making a Difference | The charity should have a "mission statement" that relates its goals and objectives. | MFF reviews objective evidence that shows progress of the charity to its mission. |
Collaboration | Seemingly, there are many parallel organizations formed to serve similar goals. Working together with these organizations should provide more value and less cost. | MFF favors those organizations that collaborate with their peers. |
Sustainability | Income breakdown between donations, grants, user fees, provided service income etc. | MFF favors programs that have a clear business plan to balance income and expenses. A cash balance of 1 year's expenses is preferred. |
Gifting | Gifts can quickly turn into entitlements. Pure gifts are not appreciated fully since the recipient has no obligation to use them effectively. | MFF favors gifts that match the recipient's investment in time or treasure. To be considered, the "charity recipients" have to contribute at least 10% of total expenses. |
Passion | Bicycle commuting provides many benefits, including health, environment, community involvement, financial, and less dependence on foreign assets. | The grant request would be viewed more favorably if it included some provisions of advancing bicycle commuting. |
Recognition | MFF prefers anonymity unless it becomes functionally cumbersome. | |
Types | MFF favors educational and environmental projects but will consider others if they fulfill the criteria above. | |
Rating | Depending on the size and area the charity serves, they must be rated by a third-party service. | "Charity Navigator" rating of 3 stars minimum or comparable. |
Note: Currently, MFF is accepting grant requests for Rotary-affiliated charity programs and events. If your charity is aligned with MFF's views listed above, please feel free to fill out a "Grant Request Form."