Current Match Challenge
Rotary of Greenville, SC (District 7750)
Power in Matching: Gates, Makulinski, Irick
Every time you make a contribution to Polio, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation matches $2 for every $1 you contribute. For example, when you donate $100 to Polio (credited to your Rotary Foundation account) and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donates $200 (credited to The Rotary Foundation) for a total of $300 for Polio.
Once the District gets to $79,500, The Makulinski Family Foundation will match dollar for dollar any contribution over our goal of $79,500. For example, when you donate $100 to Polio (credited to your Rotary Foundation account), The Makulinski Family will contribute $100 (credited to Mark Makulinski’s Rotary Foundation account) and then The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donates $400 (credited to The Rotary Foundation) for a total of $600 for Polio.